Heart in the Sand: Connecting to Our Divine Intuition in Tumultuous Times

War. Invasion. Atrocities. Injustice.

What do words like these conjure up within you?

They cause a childhood trauma response that reverberates through my five senses, leaving me heavy with anger.  Anger, we know, is only the tip of the iceberg on top of all the other emotions ricocheting against the inhumanity we see in the world. 

And yet, I am reminded that I am here, not blind to the current brutality and the history of it, but fully present because I bring the possibility of the future to this moment.  It is a future where new paradigms free of exploitation, cruelty, and suffering will allow us to live and grow.  As I ponder this, a vision of a heart drawn in the sand appears.

“ We are moving away from drawing lines in the sand,” this vision seems to say.

“ We are moving towards being together as one heart in the sandbox of life.” 

“But what do I do with the anger, and the deep resounding dissonance between what my inner being knows and the realities of injustice in the world?” I ask.

Put it in the heart, ” comes the response. “Put all that is hard to hold, understand and comprehend into this heart. After all, Love is infinitely bigger than all that comes to you through your five senses.” 

And so I do.  

All of it.

All day. Every day. Whenever it is needed.

Into the heart of God. Goddess. Spirit. Source. Divinity. Wholeness. Oneness. Love.

And the weight lifts. Sometimes a little at a time. Sometimes all at once. I am lighter.  

If I look closely, I can see there is a second heart traced on the periphery of the first.

And in the space between the two, the light of hope and possibility emanates.

I am returned to the Light that I came to be in this time and in this moment. 

I am a part of the light that is illuminating both the shadows and the way to alchemy through Love.  

We all are. 

So come, draw your heart. Deposit what is heavy.

And join me in shining us forward into a future that runs on care, compassion, justice, sustainable and accessible resources for everyone.  

This is our time.

Jhorna Hochstedler